Sunday, October 14, 2012

How to Downgrade RPD from to Version.

Issue:  Here I tried to open the version of the Rpd using version Admin tool. It shows the following error.

  Now we will try to downgrade (V 318) to (V 308)

There is  repository downgrade utility nqgenoldverrpd.exe file available for this purpose
It  is part of the OBIEE software.  This utility was present in the version of OBIEE but was removed in the later releases. 

Note: Using this Utility you cannot downgrade the RPD from 11g to 10g version. You can downgrade from one version to another 11g Versions.

Physical location of the nqgenoldverrpd.exe  file will be
1 ) If you are using Admin tool on your system , the directory path will be


2) If you are using Admin client, the directory path will be 

C:\Program Files\Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Client11.1.1.6\oraclebi\orahome\bifoundation\server\bin

To understand how this utility works and what versions it can downgrade.

 Let us run the command

  1.   1)   Go to Run 
    2)    Type CMD
    3)  Point to the bin directory as shown below


    4) Now type nqgenoldverrpd.exe and hit enter. You will see the following screen
Important notes from the above screens shot.
1) Format you should type in the command prompt to downgrade the RPD:

nqgenoldverrpd   [-P repository_password] -I input_repository_pathname  –O output_repository_pathname -V version
-P: your RPD password
 -I:  Repository path and name
-o: Repository path and new name of the rep you want to name for the downgraded version
-V: To which version you want to downgrade. 

  2) You can only generate repository of version 302  to 318 [ 318 being Version].

Downgrading Process:
  1)     Copy the RPD  to  a location  you want to ( Here I copied the file to C drive)

      2)     Now go to
Run > Cmd  and type the downgrade command as follows and hit enter

Here I am downgrading to 308, which is Version.

3)      Your command prompt will show “Done!!!” message as below.

4) Now my C drive has new Rpd as shown below which is of version 


 You can now open this RPD using Admin tool.
Satya Ranki Reddy

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